Monday, January 29, 2007

I can't believe the news today...

According to, certain parishes under the Church of England will now be able to perform services to the tune of U2 songs "in an effort to boost congregations." Two of the songs to be used are "Mysterious Ways" and "Beautiful Day."

As some of you know, I've listened to U2 since I was about 14. But if I were sitting in a church and suddenly I was told to please rise and sing the communion hymn, "Bullet the Blue Sky," I think I would have to flee.

Sadly, this sort of gimmick is not new. When I was in Catholic high school, someone conned our teachers and the local priest into playing Mr. Mister's "Kyrie" during the consecration.


  1. U2 doesn't make you gay. But it's also not safe:



    I'd rather be gay.

  2. Anonymous7:28 PM

    The nitpicker must point out that "Kyrie" and many of U2's songs are religiously themed. ('40' comes to mind.)

    FWIW, this prod thinks that the trend of worshiping to what is essentially bad 80's rock music is totally ridiculous.

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "Gloria" seems like it would be an okay U2 song to play...

  4. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Nice work, Anon. You got there first. I was just going to start quoting Gloria in Te, Domine | Gloria! Exultate!

    But I'd still have a fit if they played it in church.


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