Monday, March 12, 2007

The Last Porn Queen?

Jenny's intern has the scoop on the new sex tape from Keeley Hazell. I normally keep reasonably close tabs on these sorts of things, but even I have no idea who Kelly/Keeley or that Kim Kardashianopolis chick are.

So I ask the following question: Will the "accidental" celebrity sex tape ever go away, or has bittorrent insured that it will be a permanent feature of the cultural landscape for the rest of our lives?


  1. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Ok, IDLYITW abuses an American Idol contestant for performing sex acts in front of a camera. Then Idly gets mad--at her--when it turns out the site got played and the x-rated pictures were of someone else. So it keeps attacking her as a slut for pictures that are tamer than those in Maxim and which she seems to have done just for friends. You publicize Idly's wrong x-rated shots, don't apologize for getting them wrong, and then join Idly's later attack on her for posing in a war monument.

    Now, you bring up the tapes of two women who both may have been betrayed by ex-boyfriends for money.

    Maybe you shouldn't care about being a small part of false attacks upon one woman and of possible betrayals of two others. But then where do you get to complain about desecrating war memorials by taking cheesecake shots?

    You sure love the ladies!

  2. We never "got played." We reported the news on it. There's no actual proof the "x-rated" chick is not Antonella. We reported the rumors of the pictures being her, and we reported the rumors of the pictures not being her. We never made a statement that the pictures were, in fact, her. We published an email in which someone claimed that was the case.

    If you don't think Antonella had something to do with all of these semi-nude photos being released to the public, then you're as ignorant as anyone who believes Paris Hilton had nothing to do with her sex tape hitting the Internet. It's the best get-rich-quick scheme since inventing a religion.

    Antonella isn't mad at us. She's secretly thanking us. Without us, she'd just be another one of the other lackluster karaoke singers who got voted off several weeks ago.

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM


    You didn’t “report” the x-rated rumors about Barba, you started them. A guy emailed you some pictures and said they were her. He even said he knew the guy in the picture! You printed them. It seems pretty clear now that the guy just picked the pictures off of a web site and tricked you, so do you really want to say that no one has proved they’re NOT her? I’m sure you have the real name of the guy who sent them. Why didn’t you get him to confirm how he knows they’re real?

    Second, you don’t say anything about the videos. Maybe these women are involved in the videos coming out, but you don’t know that, and I doubt it. If they aren’t involved, the whole thing is a sick invasion of their privacy even if they are D-level celebrities.

    You didn’t start the leak of the videos the way you started the fake Barba picture scandal, so it doesn’t matter that you passed them on. But it’s hilarious that you and Jonathan Last would each give Barba a hard time about posing for PG-13 pictures in the WWII memorial--and that Last would seem somewhat serious about it--when you both did something much worse to Barba than she did to the memorial, and when you both probably did worse to two women whose exes may have done something horrible to them.

    It’s funny to call a woman a whore and post fake blowjob pictures of her and pass them off as real, because she was totally asking for it since she wanted to be famous. And those two other sluts were practically begging for the whole world to see their sex tapes, even if they weren’t.

    But if you can't back off someone when you get it completely wrong, you should at least not say something like: "There's no actual proof the 'x-rated' chick is not Antonella." You've got the name of the guy who knew the guy who's in the picture. You can prove that it is her. That's huge, and it shows you were 100% right to go with it in the first place. Go, report!

    You got played.

  4. I'm going to flatter you by replying to your long winded rant even though I didn't read the whole thing.

    Antonella is famous now and will make millions thanks to several blogs like mine who were sent this "anonymous" person's email (on a slow gossip news day). Like them, we made the choice to jump on it. I don't even have top search engine search on her.


    if you're an Antonella fan-person, you should be happy I helped make her rich, famous and launch her into "American Idol" infamy. Considering all of the above, why are you so fussy about our coverage of this topic?

  5. Considering what happened to the last American Idol contestant who had compromising pictures release, i have a hard time believing Antonella planned this.


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