Monday, June 11, 2007

It seems we've barely begun to scrape the surface of last night's episode of The Sopranos. I've been receiving multiple emails regarding the significance of every single detail in the diner scene--particularly the other patrons. The man at the counter is supposedly Nikki Leotardo, Phil's nephew who made an appearance last season (technically the first half of the season)--we can assume why he went to the bathroom, a la The Godfather. The two African Americans are apparently the same men who tried to kill Tony in the "car-jacking" in Season One (and by order of Uncle Junior). The boy scouts were all at the train store when Bobby was gunned down. The trucker in the back booth once had to identify his brother's body in some truck heist gone bad (one that involved Christopher).

What this means is that Tony gets it. The sudden blackness of the screen is how he would have experienced the hit in his own eyes (so to speak). Remember his talk with Bobby about how a hit happens? That you probably don't even know it?

And I thought I was clever for realizing Patsy Parisi's wife was played by the same woman from Saturday Night Fever and the short-lived sitcom Angie (Donna Pescow).


  1. I'm not signing on to the [i]this means Tony got whacked[/i] theory. I think of it more of a barometer of what life'll continue to be like: Always watching over his shoulder, kids maybe in danger, wife plays along, etc.

    That those people were 'apparent' in the diner, is just sort of a reflection of the dangers and chaos that boils up in Tony's wake. i.e., what would the Cub Scouts have against Tony? What would the two black guys have against Tony? They were hired, and if I remember correctly, he killed one. The trucker would have no way of knowing Tony was (he actually wasn't) involved in the truck-jacking.

  2. None of those identities are accurate. First off, the guy at the counter can't be Nikki Leotardo, because he's never been on the show before:

    The two black guys had never been on the show before either. Same for the boy scouts and the trucker in the booth.

    However, the guy at the bar who went to the bathroom was credited as "Man in Members Only Jacket." The title of the episode where Junior shot Tony is "Members Only" ...

  3. Good thing I used the words "supposedly" and "apparently." According to an HBO rep who talked to Washington Post columnist Tom Shales, all of that business regarding "Nikki Leotardo" and the two black guys who walk in and the boy scouts and the trucker is not true. Just another Internet rumor. Galley friend S.B., however, insists the shirt Tony is wearing when he walks into the diner is not the same shirt when he sits down. S.B. thinks this is more evidence the people in the diner are in his mind.

    Again, apologies for spreading what now seems to be just another hoax. In other news, Microsoft is testing new email software and if you pass this email on to ten other friends, you'll get a check in the mail.

  4. Anonymous7:28 PM

    More info on this hoax can be found here. Some fan created it all...


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