Wednesday, November 28, 2007

HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray (cont.)

If you care--and it's Christmas time, so you might--scroll through the comments section on this post for some funny (and some interesting) bits.

1 comment:

  1. This comment excerpt from Subovon amused me, so I thought I'd share:

    "Right now, anything I put on my 50 inch plasma Panny is fucking gorgeous, including free low-res downloaded porn clips. Who's buying porn these days? 3 or 4 free clips played through my laptop which is hooked up to the widescreen does it for me. If I want to go for longer, I ride my woman. She's in high def, and she's more interactive than a Nintendo wii. I love her, she's the hottest toy in the house, she screams, and I don't mind that I'm her entertainment center. That's just the way it goes."


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