Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sean Taylor, 1983-2007

This morning Sean Taylor died after losing massive amounts of blood when a bullet severed his femoral artery. Under the murkiest of circumstances, authorities will only say intruders broke into his home in Florida where he was sleeping with his girlfriend and 18-month-old daughter. But as others have now spoken out, it is clear this was far from a typical break-in. Taylor's house was previously broken into and the intruder placed a kitchen knife on the bed. (Taylor also had a machete nearby in case of such a break-in.) Stay tuned for more details.

JVL here: Galley Reader, Commonwealth Resident, and Redskins Super Fan P.G. writes:

This is like Jerome Brown: Both were in their primes and both were pro-bowlers destined for greatness. Both from Florida, both played at Miami, both died in Florida in the same area they grew up. Both were well known for something they did at the Fiesta Bowl, Brown for his famous “walkout” at the Fiesta Bowl dinner, Taylor for the phantom pass-interference penalty that gave the title to Ohio State.

It’s days like today that I wished I didn’t love football so much, because this would just be another tragedy in a world of tragedies, it wouldn’t be like losing a friend.


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    That was probably the greatest bowl game I've ever watched. It was absolutely a phantom call. RIP Sean Taylor.

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with Sean Taylor's family and friends and the Redskins organization.



  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I'm a Cowboys fan, and even I loved watching Sean Taylor play. That guy was amazing.

    Some other intriguing facts surrounding Taylor's death:

    1) 2 years ago, minutes after Taylor apparently assaulted someone that he accused of stealing 2 ATVs, a group of men pulled up on Taylor's SUV and riddled it with AK 47 and pistol bullets.

    2) ESPN reported that the phone line to Taylor's house was cut just before he was murdered.

    3) Taylor's dad is/was the chief of police for the Florida City Municipal PD.

    4) Taylor didn't have a gun because his 18 month old baby lives with him.

    I suspect we'll be seeing one of those "ripped from the headlines" Law & Orders on this sometime soon.

  4. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Anon 9:28-
    Taylor didn't own a gun because he pled guilty to a felony charge. Felons cannot own guns. This was actually a very public incident, which meant the intruders most likely knew there would be no gun if they knew the owner of the house.
    What is really sad is that Taylor only pleaded guilty to the felony charge because he was promised no jail time and he was tired of paying the legal bills to fight the charges. I don't think he would have been convicted in a jury trial, the case against him was weak and the principle witnesses for the prosecution were criminals who were being investigated for ATV thefts in other open cases.


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