Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Downside of Dark Knight

Studios are going to continue throwing money at comic-book projects, and probably more indiscriminately than before, even. Witness this depressing story about a Rob Liefeld book which has been optioned before it's even been published.

Couldn't get worse, right? Wrong. The screenwriters attached are writers for Ryan Seacrest's LA radio show.


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Several years ago, I witnessd a then-aspiring screenwriter friend frantically digging through his comics collection in search of a "new" superhero for cinematic treatment. Even more bewildering, he was actually being paid to do it.

    Can't these motherfuckers just make something up?

    - Brian Moore

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I expect Liefeld getting options on his stuff prior to its publication is the wisest choice. Who would spend money on it once it's come out?


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