Friday, August 29, 2008

The BSG Ticket--Updated

Watching Palin's introduction it became immediately clear that she looks uncannily like a young Laura Roslin.* This can only bode well for Palin. But the parallels don't stop at her looks. Like Roslin, Palin was basically a private citizen (Roslin was a teacher, Palin was a reporter) before being pulled into politics. Neither seems to have had any larger ambition, until events pulled them into prominence. And both were immediately discounted by outside observers as being unequal to the demands of their new positions.

But wait! There's more!

If Palin is Roslin, isn't McCain very much a Bill Adama? Both are Navy men. Both seemed destined to be passed over by a younger generation of hotshots, until a perfect storm elevated them to command. Both are tough old dogs with little patience for politics. Heck, Adama's staff even call him the Old Man.

Like Adama and Roslin, McCain and Palin should complement each other well. I eagerly await the moment in the VP debate when Palin is asked what she would do with Osama bin Laden if he were captured. One assumes her answer will be some variation of, "Put that thing out the airlock."

* Galley Wife S.L. observed this within seconds of Palin stepping on stage.

Update: Several astute commenters make the point that it's really more of a Tigh-Roslin ticket. I can buy that for a couple reasons: (1) The uncanny physical resemblance of McCain and Tigh; (2) Both McCain and Tigh were POWs; (3) McCain is reputed to have a temper somewhat approaching the Irish of Saul Tigh.

All of that said, in defense of seeing McCain as Adama, I'd argue that (1) Tigh is fundamentally, Adama's guy; McCain is his own man, for better or for worse; (2) Both McCain and Adama were hot-shot fighter jocks; (3) Most strikingly, Adama's Maverick-StreakTM long ago forced him to give up higher command ambitions. It's only by accident that he becomes head of the fleet. I think you could see very much the same thing in McCain's career. It's only a bizarre, perfect-storm of events--9/11, Huckabee, Rudy's crazy Florida strategy, Fred! siphoning votes in SC, Petraeus's brilliance in Iraq--which lead him to this moment. In a more ordinary time, McCain's constant tweaking of the base would have doomed him to the sidelines.

Also, McCain wouldn't resent Kara Thrace; he'd totally dig her.


  1. I just wish somebody had not though to mention she looks a "naughty librarian." You keep expecting her to throw away her glasses, shake out her hair, and then ..........." Could be fun.

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Great minds think alike! I noticed the similarity on my flickr page, with pics of Sarah and Laura being sworn in:

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Time for a new term : RILF

  4. I'm more of a mind that McCain is most like Saul Tigh. Similar background histories, and they look uncannily alike.

  5. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I think you need to go back and watch Battlestar.

    Their temperaments are nothing like those characters.... not even close!

  6. Anonymous2:10 PM

    It's patently clear McCain is Saul Tigh

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. this analogy passes me by a bit. Palin strikes me as having a strong Erin Brockovich persona. That would make McCain Albert Finney....

  9. Dude. The guy's own father and grandfather were both "Admiral McCain". He was probably imprinted from birth to seek out a VP running-mate named "Commander McAdama", but found the only Hispanic "William" in the race is on the Democrats' side.

  10. Anonymous10:32 PM

    The analogy breaks down on two levels.

    1. Adama is a reluctant, thoughtful warrior who uses military action as a last resort. McCain is more of a Tigh character.

    2. Adama is actually in charge of his ship.

    On the other hand, the amorous subtext between between Roslin and Adama would make interesting political theater if the analogy holds. Although, the elder beauty queen may take issue.

  11. More great minds (beat ya to the punch by a few hours):

    "Does a McCain/Palin ticket = Tigh/Roslin Battlestar ticket?"

    The Tigh/McCain comparison (pics!) has been around for a while.

  12. Anonymous11:36 AM

    oh, well. I'm waiting for the day the sleeper cyclon agents will screw up Earth so badly that about 49k people will have to leave it looking for a place called "Caprica". that would be interesting. add to that the fact that mccain mandate would end by 2012, when the mayan long run calendar also ends.... maybe BSG is a prophecy?!

  13. Even better from the Democrat side, they can say that McCain and Palin are just like Tigh and Roslin, both of whom are revealed to be Cylons, which makes them "robotic religious zealots" too. That would make the Dems want to cast themselves as the "ragtag fugitive fleet" escaping from Repub..." er, I mean "Cylon tyranny".

  14. You're all wrong, the real analog for McCain is President Richard Adar. The character was played by Canadian Colm Feore, who is also balding like McCain.

  15. And now we have a Hera plotline. Which also happens to be a Juno plotline...

  16. And the campaign web site is up and running!

  17. Anonymous9:45 PM

    No way is this right. Adama is a man of honor who hated politics and politicians (but eventually forged a deep bond with Laura Roslin). Roslin was a minor political official who rose to greatness when thrust into the presidency after a holocaust.

    If anything - as you have pointed out - McCain is closer to Saul Tigh in both temperament and history than anything else.

    And the only resemblance between Palin and Laura Roslin is that they both wear glasses and are female politicians.

    To imply an analogy between McCain and Adama and Palin and Roslin completely misses the point of BSG.

  18. No, Richard Adar looks more like Rudy Giuliani. And the last of the Cylons has yet to be revealed, other than D'Anna's claim that he or she is not in the fleet. Probably Ellen Tigh; since D'Anna knows she is dead, she would not be with the fleet. Otherwise, how could she be sure?

  19. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Comparing McCain to Adama is not fair - to Adama!


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