Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Do Newspapers Deserve to Die?

Maybe. I mean, look what the NYT is doing to market NYT.com.

Because self-important testimonials from Manhattan celebrities worked so well for the Gap.

Whatever was spent on this "Conversations" project might as well have been flushed down a drain. Just ridiculous.


  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Oh, I don't know. That author lady was pretty attractive and worth a minute or two...

  2. Anonymous9:30 PM

    My favorite: watching Leguizamo lament the gentrification ("That's not cool") of the lower east side while simultaneously talking about spending (presumably millions, or at least high-six figures) to restore his home to the 1860s original condition. I've always sort of liked NY celebs, but the NY Times makes me hate them as much as I hate the LA celebs.

  3. Anonymous9:31 PM

    If the NY Times wants to follow the Gap model, perhaps they can hire Andy Sullivan to be in an ad. Oh wait, they fired Sullivan years ago.


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