Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Lamest Superheroes of All Time

The title says it all.


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Cypher on the list attached is a perfect example of the fundamental flaw of comics rules. Would it really be more useful to have a super healing power, or be able to translate/interpret any language?

    Sure, you can get thrown onto a bonfire and heal within minutes if you're Wolverine, but that's not really a marketable skill outside of the military, law enforcement, or that sort of thing.

  2. I enjoy lists like this, but they tend to overlook a key ingredient of being a creative success: taking something really uncool and making it cool. Anybody can write a "cool" Batman story - all grim, gritty, and moody.

    It takes a really smart guy too take a second rate Batman ripoff with middling sales (say, Daredevil for most of its early run) and turning it an commercial and critical success. The industry would sell a lot more comic books if writers and artists would emulate Alan Moore, Frank Miller, and Grant Morrison early in their careers rather than later.

    A fanboy (and I'll include myself in this category) will look at these characters and think, "How lame?" A talented writer or artist, however, will see an opportunity to think outside the box.

  3. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I agree with Mark, taking something really uncool and making it cool is really the key, because often normal people have to deal with uncool things rather than cool ones and if a character is able to turn these things good the reader can have a real rescue getting out in real life...


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