Monday, June 08, 2009

David Carradine, R.I.P.

There's something remarkably sweet about how, in the wake of his death, David Carradine's family has rallied to protect his honor. For those of you just joining our program, Carradine was found dead, in a Thai hotel, hanging. By both his neck and his junk.

This would lead us to one of two likely explanations: (1) Carradine committed suicide in a somewhat different way; or (2) Carradine died accidentally as the result of a particularly strange sexual deviancy. In the immediate aftermath of his death, Carradine family members were telling anyone who would listen that David would never have committed suicide.

I'd like to think this is the product of some moral ordering which (rightly) sees suicide as a greater sin than sexual deviancy. In this world, the Carradine family is defending is honor by suggesting that he was a pervert.

Of course it's also possible that there is some sort of insurance policy which becomes inoperative in the case of the insured taking his own life. But I chose to believe the former explanation.


  1. OT, but, really JVL, no comment on Federer? From the guy loudly proclaiming that the Age of Federer Is Over? Disappointing...

  2. I think the family's reaction is a little simpler than that: they knew him (or at least believed strongly to know him) as someone not prone to suicidal tendencies. Maybe they stopped to do the moral ordering, but I kind of doubt it.

    When I first heard about Carradine my immediate reaction was "autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong" but the part about his hands tied behind his back makes it a little less auto.

  3. derek sutton9:41 AM

    I agree Dave. As a resident of southeast asia, I can guarantee you that the two or three thai hookers in his room panicked, emptied out his wallet, and went back to the sudsy bar they came from, agreeing never to speak of it again. At least he died happy. Well played, Carradine. Well played.

  4. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Grasshopper, where are you? (Master Po is answered only by a rhythmic pounding noise.) FX


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