Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brief Political Aside

It occurs to me that the passengers aboard Northwest Flight 253 saved Obama's presidency. If Abdulmutallab had succeeded in blowing up the plane, and it then became known that the government knew he was on the flight, but had simply decided to question him after he landed . . .

Well, let's just say that I don't think we'd talk about anything else for the next three years and I doubt there are very many circumstances that would have been able to align to bring about his re-election.

If Obama winds up as a two-term president with a grand, historical record, it will be in large part because a group of anonymous patriots kept a very large dog from barking.


  1. Very astute analysis. Sorry about your Beagles. Do you think McPuke will return next year? Fat man got a five year extension, so no running game for the Eagles in the foreseeable future. We are working on the words to "Die Eagles, Die!"

  2. I disagree. It's more likely to be the poor design of the underwear bomb that saved Obama's presidency.

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    You are assuming that had the plane blown up we would have ever learned that the gov knew he was on board, or any of the other embarrassing facts that have come to light after he was caught. I don't believe the media or the gov would have allowed that information to get out. Had that info leaked, we might not have seen a Dem president for another generation.

  4. Wait, a bunch of anonymous Patriots were on that airplane? This explains why they were so unprepared against the Ravens.


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