Vote Kerry! In recent weeks downtown Washington (and parts of suburban Virginia) have been clotted with young DNC volunteers. They stand on street corners in red t-shirts with clipboards asking every passer-by, "Want to help beat Bush?"
I've always politely declined. I'm happy to sign petitions to get someone on the ballot (I did so in Virginia for Wes Clark), but being asked to help "beat Bush" seemed a little off-putting. Plus, the volunteers were slightly annoying: If I had to walk, say, from my office to the ATM to Au Bon Pain and back, I'd get hit up 3 times in the span of 15 minutes. You know, in most cities, they have laws saying that pan-handlers can only ask once.
But yesterday there was a change: The begging DNC volunteers asked, "Would you like to help elect John Kerry?"
Paging Mickey Kaus . . .
6 hours ago
The new pro-Kerry enthusiasm is doubtlessly because they're newly inspired by Kerry's role in finally terminating the renegade Colonel Kurtz.
I think they had to change their approch because they were attracting too many lesbians.
The DNC Panhandlers have also hit the streets of Downtown Los Angeles (as if Kerry isn't going to win California...sheesh!) The whiny, aggressive, dirty, otherwise-unemployable kids make me wish the Larouche folks would come back-at least they were entertaining!
We have them in Boston too, and it's always "Do you want to help beat George Bush?". I always give them a big smile and say that I'm working hard to get him re-elected.
BTW,I once asked one of the kids why she wasn't asking to help elect John Kerry, and the answer was that they were told what to say by higher ups, plus her understanding was that to ask to support Kerry was illegal. Sheesh.
I also asked one young man in Chicago why they were attacking the President rather than promoting their candidate in a positive manner. He told me that until the convention, they were not allowed by campaign law to promote Kerry, but attacking Bush allowed them to get around that restriction. I was told by the campaing worker not to tell anyone about this, since you never know who you are talking to and some Republican might put their little "secret" all over Fox News. He should take his own advice.
Since the convention, they have been asking people to support Kerry.
It's just funny that these kids go to the Democratic strongholds to ask for support. Washington DC? HELLO!! It's been like 80% democrat since it was created. Fear not!
It's almost like they don't understand the Electoral College. After election 2000, that would be extremely ignorant.
As a previous writer mentioned, they've been out all over Boston. Like Kerry needs more support in Massachusetts. I have to admit that I derive a great deal of pleasure informing them that I vote Republican and why would I want to contribute to the Kerry war chest. Oh, the dejected looks on thier faces. Almost made this rare African American Republican living amongst the wolves want to cry..with joy. When I see them I actually want them to ask me for a contribution. Is that bad?
I'd like to see these numbskulls here in Mobile, AL...hahaha....
However it makes me (sort of) miss living in Fairfax County as I did until last year, so I'd be able to sign up to volunteer to help, and then not show up (as the crazies have been planning to do at the GOP convention).
I wonder if the Jackass Party recruited ex-cons for this little project?
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