Thursday, September 02, 2004


From some nice fellow named Ken Layne:

I grew up in the South, surrounded by sons of bitches like Zell Miller -- bitter old nigger-haters who couldn't possibly understand why they weren't right about anything -- and this dixiecrat piece of shit is probably the best advertisement for the Bush Administration's Compassionate Conservatism we've ever seen. Thank you, Zell. Now we understand. Sorry about wishing the Bush Administration all the best after 9/11. Sorry I ever entertained the thought that these vicious pigs might find redemption in defending our country with honor.

I'll say it again: Give me Paul Krugman, William Raspberry, Richard Cohen, Rik Hertzberg, et al any day of the week. The triumph of the new media continues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But his album is really good ("Fought Down", Ken Layne and the Corvids, featuring blogger Matt Welch).
