...start a revolution. That is the newest bumper sticker found on my neighbors' car, which is already plastered with other stickers such as:
"Dump Dubya"
"Hail to the Thief"
"Vote Bush: Sieg Heil!"
"John Ashcroft: The Best Attorney General the NRA Can Buy"
"Question Technology!"
"Boycott Kraft"
Boycott Kraft? I prefer Hellmann's myself but isn't this a little extreme? As the presidential election neared, the sticker count reached an all-time high. There was barely enough space for "Keep Alaska Wild." And when Bush won, I feared the neighbors' pickup would simply explode. What would they do next? Two stickers subsequently appeared. One involved voter fraud in Ohio. The other one said "Stop Bitching, Start a Revolution (zendik.org)." So what is zendik.org? From what I have seen of the site, it is some sort of commune founded by the late Wulf Zendik and his wife Arol. Brave readers can learn more about the Zendik farm, the Zendik philosophy, even Zendik sexuality. (I found myself both intrigued and disturbed.)
But I am still left wondering how my neighbors plan on starting their revolution.
Update from JVL, 2:47 p.m.: On the zendik site I found this passage: "We are very much Protoneutronic--one sex cannot function healthfully without the other. And the key word here is healthfully." Umm, isn't that homophobia? What would your neighbors say, Vic?
Or has Ashcroft already infiltrated the revolution?
5 hours ago
They have gone completely off the edge... and then some
The most disturbing bumper sticker combo I ever saw was on a beat-up old van in Westwood near the UCLA campus.
First one read, "If this rig's a rockin', don't bother knockin'."
Second one: "Sexy Grandpa"
For more on bumper stickers please see this post.
You know, that passage sounds just like the sort of thing Ashcroft is into. Rumour has it that he's a big man on the protoneutronic scene. Hanging out at the protoneutronic bars, drinking protoneutronic drinks with like minded protoneutronic people. Yep it's just one big protoneutronic party with him.
Hmmm... Protoneutronic Party...
It's a catchy name and I think it could fit on a bumper sticker!
It already sounds more sensible than the 'Democratic Party.' ;)
There's a Bay Area blogger who had a very funny guide to local bumperstickers this past summer. I like his take on the real meaning of the ubiquitous FREE TIBET stickers: "People who want Bush to attack China, overthrow its government, and liberate Tibet. I supported the Iraq War, but I have reservations about this one".
I think my favorite bumpersticker of all time was: Science fiction readers eat their dead.
And what about the Kraft boycott? I looked through some of the drivel on their website, but never did figure that out.
oh dear, here's more from the "sexuality" section of Wulf, the zendrick patriarch's, "work"
(i just lost an easy hour to this commune web site)
" He developed Erosensual Therapy as a direct result of his own loss of sexual potency at the age of seventy. Despite the cultural belief that impotency at this age is natural, Wulf theorized that his problems were essentially psychological. On one level or another, he had been a sexual performer all of his life—busily giving, giving the best that he could—but he had never really learned how to receive, how to take pleasure in. To do so, he realized that he would have to work on himself, and learn to how to base his sex in friendliness, beginning with an attitude of friendliness toward his own body and genitals. He began his exploration and, without Viagra, regained his potency, and would remain sexually active practically until the time of his death at age 78."
I would have to say that calling the comment on the zendik site "homophobic" is a bit over the edge in itself. you're missing the whole point of the statement and looking for any excuse to bash on something unfamiliar. The point that Wulf is trying to make, is that balance is necessary. We can not just have women caring for children, we cannot just have men controling the government. We need each other, men and women both have something beautiful to offer and it is different from each gender. We balance each other out. (there are always exceptions to everything, of course, everyone is different)
just so everyone knows, zendik farms is a cult. they get all these hippie kids and let them live in basically poverty for "free". In exchange they travel around to music festivals and sell low quality CDs and magazines. The money they make goes then to the owners of the farm so they can continue their plush life. Thats why there festivals are free, to lure you in. but i guess there not crazy evil drink asenic cult just take advatage of tripping kids cult, which is better?
just so everyone knows, zendik is not a cult. they fucking rock! i used to live there off and on from 96 to 2001.
Just so everyone knows, Zendik Farm IS a cult, and I lived there solid from 2001 to 2008. And the previous posts are just the tip of that freakish, dictatorial iceberg.
Zendik started to become a cult when Wulf became ill and was no longer involved in the day to day operations of the farm.
Hey Zendik was a cult when Wulf was alive. I lived there for eight years and I will gladly share stories and info shedding the cult light of truth on Zendik.
Yes, they are homophobic
Rape had occured
One member claims to have done murder, and a bunch of other truly horrible shit. Right now, it is almost a joke with Arol using so much of the funds to get her and her daughter Victorias secret while the rest of everyone tries to get by with hole in the underwear.
How did you find living on Zendik farms? I'm really very interested in this cult and I'm thirsty for more knowledge...
in response to sci-fi fans eat their dead.. or something like that.... mmmm...... soylent green...
I lived at Zendik back in the 80's, when they were in east san diego, trust me from what I read nothing has changed since Wulf passed, even back then his wife was in charge & living much better then the rest of us.
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