Friday, March 04, 2005

The Hive at Work

A few weeks ago Tom Maguire noted that the primary difference between the liberal and conservative ends of the blogosphere is the difference between a hive and a pack.

That difference is perfectly illustrated by this post from the Daily Kos.

The Kossacks have decided to take down Alan Greenspan (perhaps because Paul Krugman attacked Greenspan in his New York Times column this morning). The battle cry from Daily Kos reads thusly:
. . . blogswarmer Bob Brigham suggested that we "unleash the blogosphere" on Greenspan. It's a brilliant idea--no one is more worthy of having a halo-ectomy than St. Alan--so let's have at it.

If you're interested in joining this research project, here's my thinking on how it should proceed. . . . We should hunt down anything Greenspan has ever written, said or done that reflects poorly on him. This would include erroneous predictions, older statements which contradict things he's said recently, and anything that's just plain wrong, venal or stupid. . . .

And for those of you who want to really get down & dirty in the trenches, we can turn this into a one-degree-of-separation venture. That is, if you can find similar material for anyone who is closely linked to Greenspan, that's fair game, too. Good examples would be Greenie's idol, the nutbag "objectivist" Ayn Rand, and Andrea Mitchell, his NBC reporter wife. (An aside: We can debate the merits of this approach all you like, but suffice it to say, there is no question that Republicans do the same crap to us all the time. If you still want to play by the Marquess of Queensberry rules, fine--but I've moved on to brass knuckles.) . . .

Get your browsers fired up and let's get to work!

Whether or not the hive is able to harm Greenspan is interesting than noting how the hive is working.

The conservative blog "pack" has historically found overlooked stories or errors in mainstream news reporting and then flogged those stories until, eventually, the mainstream press paid attention.

The liberal "hive," at least in this case, is working in precisely the opposite direction. An item attacking Greenspan appeared in the New York Times. The hive, taking its cue from the Times, is now going off in search of further damage it can do, organized by an explicit call to arms from the Internet's biggest blog.

Very interesting stuff.


  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Whoah. This frightens me: "We should hunt down anything Greenspan has ever written, said or done that reflects poorly on him."

    Talk about the politics of personal destruction. This is bizarre.

  2. Looks like the liberals believe in creationsim after all:

    "In the beginning Kos said, LET THERE BE SCANDAL, and there was scandal"

  3. Anonymous1:39 PM

    "Hey, this happened three days ago and casts Person X in a bad light. Let's hoot and holler and scream until the MSM notices."

    "Hey, this happened three years ago and casts Person X in a bad light. Let's hoot and holler and scream until the MSM notices."

    That's a distinction without much difference. I see no reason why one should be considered morally superior to the other.

    The left has thus far established it's much better at research but not quite as good at making noise.

    The right hasn't demonstrated a whole lot of interest in doing research, but they're good at making noise and getting the story out.

  4. Yeah Cal the right blogosphere is really not as detailed as the lft in erms of research. Let's compare the research of the "Rather documents" vs the Left outing a gay low level journalist.


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