Friday, March 04, 2005

Name Game II

Now that I've destroyed Josh Chafetz's productivity, go to the Name Voyager and look what happens to the name "Hillary."

"Hillary" took off like a rocket in 1970s, crested in 1981(ish), and began a slow decline. Until 1992, that is, when it dropped off the table.

Democratic donors take note!


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    And by way of contrast, check out the "Reagan" Rocket through the 90s and up to the present.

  2. This is the most absolutely fascinating thing that I have seen in a long time, and if you don't mind, I'm going to report on it at The Reform Club.

    However, I was saddened by the decline of the name Jay in recent years, down from #90 in the Sixties to #350 at present. My middle name, David, has declined from #5 in the 1980s to #14 now. My luck that two late-night hosts are bringing my names down!

    Jonathan, on the other hand, has only slipped from #17 in the Eighties to its current #22.

    Then again, how fascinating is that David and Jonathan, the greatest friendship in Biblical history ("I am pained over you, Jonathan, because you were so sweet to me..."), still provide two of the twenty-two most common names for men 2900 years later?

  3. dude, u think thats bad. My name (George) was ranked #4 in the 1900's, but has decliend so steadily it's at 137. It's fun to put in names like Adolf or Josef.

    Adolf basically ceased to exist after the 1930's. Interestingly, Josef hit it's peak in the 1900's at 484, then disappeared from the 1920's until the 1960's where it's stayed steady in the 700 range until now. Also interesting is that Fidel has had a nice, steady increasy over the last 40 years. Looks like someting else we have to thank the leading professors of academia.

    Sadly, Dude doesn't appear at all.

    Fly Eagles Fly


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