Monday, April 18, 2005

The Courts and Schiavo

Patterico has a convincing post on why federal courts should have granted the Schiavo injunction. It's yet another blow to the faux legal-process-über-alles types in the Reynolds camp.

Patterico also has links to original documents from the case and some interesting excerpts. Particularly interesting is testimony from Michael Schiavo during his malpractice suit:
Page 17:

9 Tell the jury what’s going on now.

10 A. Right here, basically, you can see she’s dressed,

11 she’s already had her shower and everything. We would get

12 her dressed, put her shoes and socks on. I’m trying out her

13 hands there. You have to keep the inside of the hands,

14 since she’s contracted, you have to keep them dry because

15 infection can set in, and I usually do a little bit of range

16 of motion with her.

17 Q. And while you’re doing that, do you talk to her?

18 A. Yes, I am talking to her right now telling her

19 it’s okay.

20 Q. She doesn’t like that very much?

21 A. No, she doesn’t. She does feel pain.

Page 23:

8 Q. Does she express discomfort when some of these

9 things are happening to her?

10 A. Yes. Yes, she does.

11 Q. How does she do that?

12 A. She’ll moan and groan.

Then there's this:
Pages 26-28:

16 Q. Michael, have you started to go to nursing school?

17 A. Yes, I did.

18 Q. Where did you go to nursing school?

19 A. I’m going – I’m attending St. Pete Junior

20 College.

21 Q. When did you start?

22 A. Approximately a year ago.

23 Q. When do you hope to finish?

24 A. We’re looking at something like 1994.

25 Q. Why did you want to learn to be a nurse?


1 A. Because I enjoy it and I want to learn more how

2 to take care of Terry.

3 Q. You’re a young man. Your life is ahead of you.

4 Your future is beyond you. Up the road, when you look up

5 the road, what do you see for yourself?

6 A. I see myself hopefully finishing school and taking

7 care of my wife.

8 Q. Where do you want to take care of your wife?

9 A. I want to bring my wife home.

10 Q. If you had the resources available to you, if you

11 had the equipment and the people, would you do that?

12 A. Yes, I would, in a heartbeat.

13 Q. How do you feel about being married to Terry now?

14 A. I feel wonderful. She’s my life and I wouldn’t

15 trade her for the world. I believe in my – I believe in my

16 wedding vows.

17 Q. What do you mean? You want to take a minute?

18 A. Yeah.

19 MR. WOODWORTH: If the Court would let us take a

20 minute.

21 Q. (BY MR. WOODWORTH:) You okay?

22 A. Yeah. I’m sorry.

23 Q. Have – you said you believe in your wedding vows,

24 what do you mean by that?

25 A. I believe in the vows that I took with my wife,


1 through sickness, in health, for richer or poorer. I

2 married my wife because I love her and I want to spend the

3 rest of my life with her. I’m going to do that.

That, of course, was before he remembered Terri's long-standing and unequivocal wish to be killed.

Glenn Reynolds, Andrew Sullivan, and the rest are lucky no one's paying attention to this anymore. We're lucky that Patterico is still on the case.

1 comment:

  1. Can you let the woman rest now? Haven't you wingnuts gotten enough mileage out of her?


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