Sunday, April 17, 2005

Mental Ward

How good is Matt Labash? Check that--how great is Matt Labash. Yes, he's a friend, but get a load of this line from his A+ hang-out with Ward Churchill:
Having headed the Colorado chapter of the American Indian Movement (AIM) for several decades, having boasted of his affiliation with the Black Panthers and his days teaching bomb-making to the Weathermen, he's more than just an angry professor. He's a nostalgia ride at the Aging Radical Theme Park. Pay ten bucks, and it's like watching your parents' college yearbooks transubstantiated into flesh and blood.

He gets better from there.


  1. What a friggin' joke Churchill is. I gotta say Matt Labash is everything Stephen Glass wasn't.

  2. Anonymous10:44 PM

    What a character! Churchill reminds me of Ann Coulter.

  3. Really? That doesn't say much for you does it?

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    My comment doesn't say much for Ann Coulter or Ward Churchill. As public figures, I believe they both provide the same value to society and each is about equally interested in pursuing truth.

    After reading Labash's article, conservatives now know what it is like for liberals to listen to Ann Coulter.

  5. At least Anne Coutler isn't sucking off the sugar teat of the Colorado government.

  6. If the guy is such a nothing nobody then why are you guys wasting so much effort on him? You do realize Ward Churchill was a nobody before you people made him. He couldn't get an honorarium at all before you people made him rich and gave him a voice. Geez...Wingnuts..


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