Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Oscillating Orwell

You may have grown tired of the Kaus-Sullivan fight, but I haven't. Kaus's latest blow is pretty rough.


  1. Keep it up, I love the Kaus-Sullivan fight. I used to like Andrew Sullivan and read him everyday. Then I grew to despise him and I didn't read him for about a year. Because of Galleyslaves and Kaus, I am now fascinated by the weird shit he writes and many catch him. It is like a particularly bloody car accident.

  2. Does anyone know why they go back and forth like this?

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    It's easier to nail Sullivan's position down on the progress of destroying the insurgency. That's why the majority of his posts have shifted to the "torture" issue. This issue has so many sources and needs so little actual evidence that he can feed on it for months/years.

    Jason O.

  4. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I enjoy the Sullivan posts. He's always been all over the map. That's his special charm. I like it when the both left wing and right wing bloggers call him out for his (i) inconsistency, (ii) his inability to read what he links to, and (iii) his fundamental dishonesty. That being said, since this is a right wing site, you can bet that that left wing blogs will be accusing you of homophobia, likely in a post that links to Sullivan's private personals postings and otherwise savagely mocks Sullivan for being gay. A neat trick, that.


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