Monday, March 03, 2008

Saul Bass's Star Wars

Galley Friend M.R. sends us this fantastic video, a send up of what the Star Wars title credits might have looked like if done by legendary '60s designer Saul Bass. You'll love it:


  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I hope that music really was by John Williams!

  2. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I think Lucas would be a greeter at Walmart right now if he had used Saul Bass for Star Wars...

  3. That was awesome. Very well done.

  4. Anonymous2:48 AM

    that was absolutely brilliant!

  5. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Twenty times better!

  6. Anonymous4:23 AM


  7. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Awesome!! Love the retro look.

  8. A very droll exercise, but Bass's graphics were of a much better quality - considering he did most of is work before the PC, we must admit he is indeed amazing.


  9. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Actually, that one elephant-looking character was from "Jedi," but still that's really cool!

  10. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Very clever. Well done.

  11. tres tres cool! Good work!

  12. Anonymous9:11 AM

    it's "Starring" not "Staring"

  13. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Great for the pink panther, bad for star wars. I pitty the fool that likes this retro intro.

  14. I'm a big fan of Saul Bass and can't say enough about this send-up. Fantastic job.

  15. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Pretty neat idea...considering Lucas was kicked out of the directors guild because he didn't use opening credits in any star wars film (and because he gave directing credit to Kirshner for Empire) it makes it seem kind of weird

  16. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Actually, Lucas was kicked out of the DGA not because he didn't include opening credits, but because he gave himself credit at the beginning (via the Lucasfilm logo) but no one else. The DGA determined that Lucasfilm was not a production company but just a sneaky way for Lucas to give himself credit without having to do a full set of opening credits.

  17. Anonymous2:48 PM

    That was great. Really kept with the style of the times. If I had never seen star wars i would have never know that was made today. Great job

  18. Anonymous5:15 PM

    NOT BAD!!! Different music would have been even better, though. However, very well thought out!

  19. LoL... Whoever "Anonymous" is, the tall tale of the DGA having problems with the LUCASFILM logo is friggin' hilarious. Lucas did run into trouble because he had no opening credits. Whatever Anonymous is smokin' must be some good stuff. ;)

    Nice Bass-like credits, BTW. The original is more striking, however.

  20. If only Star Wars had received such and inspired treatment in the first place... That film might have actually gone somewhere.

  21. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Do you guys realize how incredibly stupid the video is?

  22. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Talk about lame and outdated... Thank the maker that Saul Bass never got near the Star Wars.

  23. Anonymous2:41 AM

    From a french Bass fan : What a wonderful way to start the day! Congratulations for that brilliant job. Wish the great Saul B. was alive to watch this.

  24. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Bass was a legend. The video is what Star Wars would have been like if it had been made like 30 years earlier. Pretty neat.

  25. Anonymous10:04 AM

    really nice work but so irrevalent i guess...
    and i must say that i know realized why the star wars is the star wars! that intro wouldnt fit!

  26. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Very nice. A lot of fun.

    But to those who were discussing the Lucas/WGA issue, please understand that Lucas was not thrown out of the WGA, he quit over their demanding that his films follow the standard credit sequence outlined by their rules, rather than the ones he wanted. He has never and will never rejoin, despite many pleas by his friend Steven Spielberg (a big WGA guy) to come back.

  27. Anonymous7:00 PM

    That's why the WGA slipped some drugs in Lucas' coffee to increase the size of his neck to Jabba the Huts! Now he's God of the Goiters!

  28. Do any of you who criticize this (humorous) exercise even know who Saul Bass was?


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