Maybe. I mean, look what the NYT is doing to market
Because self-important testimonials from Manhattan celebrities worked so well for the Gap.
Whatever was spent on this "Conversations" project might as well have been flushed down a drain. Just ridiculous.
1 day ago
Oh, I don't know. That author lady was pretty attractive and worth a minute or two...
My favorite: watching Leguizamo lament the gentrification ("That's not cool") of the lower east side while simultaneously talking about spending (presumably millions, or at least high-six figures) to restore his home to the 1860s original condition. I've always sort of liked NY celebs, but the NY Times makes me hate them as much as I hate the LA celebs.
If the NY Times wants to follow the Gap model, perhaps they can hire Andy Sullivan to be in an ad. Oh wait, they fired Sullivan years ago.
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