Still working on that Heroes post . . .
But in the meantime, a couple NFL thoughts. First off, I don't think Chicago should be worried in the least about Donovan McNabb's health. He's going to be ready to start for them next season, and, unlike this season, he'll be at 100%.
(Pained aside: Over the weekend, I mentioned to the Galley Wife that McNabb left the Miami game with an injury. The Galley Wife knows absolutely nothing about football. She replied, without missing a beat, "Well, it is that time of year." Ouch.)
But let's back up and talk about next week for a second. What's the line on the Eagles-Pats game going to be? +20? +25? Would you take the Birds +27? I wouldn't. And here's my great hope for the Pats: At the end of the regular season, when they set their playoff roster, they cut the punter. That's right. Go into the playoffs without one on the team. Pick up an extra fullback, maybe. Maybe just leave the slot open. Whatever. It would be the perfect punctuation point to end this statement season and would cement Belichek, officially, as the most hated coach in the history of the game.
Also, it would be kind of awesome.
Finally, on the way to work this morning, Redskins talk radio was buzzing about the team's second straight division loss, which dropped them to the .500 mark and might have put them out of the playoffs. The overall impression from hosts and listeners was . . .
*What a great game!
*The Skins are better than we thought, even!
* Except for those three long TD passes, they totally shut down Dallas's offense, which is amazing! (This is nearly an exact quote from one of the analysts.)
The general mood was giddy excitement, with most of the people I heard predicting that the Skins would use this as a springboard to run the table the rest of the way.
I'm from Philadelphia, so I obviously don't understand what "normal" is, but this strikes me as at least as psychotic as booing your team during the first quarter of the first game of the season.
3 hours ago
C'mon there are those guys on WIP too, the hosts just tell them they are morons and drop them.
The difference is that in DC these guys ARE the hosts. If moral victories were counted the Redskins would have won the last five Super Bowls.
I guess the definition of "die-hard fan" includes the inability to accept the fact that your team is Just Not Quite Good Enough. Also that your team's owner is constitutionally incapable of turning good intentions into football success. Ever.
Just when I thought I couldn't possibly hate the Pats any more than I already do comes the idea: Cut the punter. Brilliant. Twistedly brilliant.
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