Monday, August 21, 2006

Wii for about $170

It's not quite official confirmation, but it seems likely. Meanwhile, Sony hasn't begun manufacture of the PS3 yet.

So here's a question: If, in November, the Nintendo Wii is $170, the xBox 360 drops to $299, and there's a shortage of $600 PS3s, which system would you be least likely to buy?


Anonymous said...

600$ OUCH!!! With that kind of price tagging with it, Sony better come up with something that will blow everyone's mind off. If I had that kind of dough then it's no porblem but if not then that's the least of my worries. The nintendo console sounds like a fair deal to me.

Michael said...

I just saw a fun video on the web comparing the Wii and PS3.
Good Job nitendo.