Fox has called Ohio, which means that the election is over. He will probably win the Electoral College outright. He's up in the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes (that will narrow as California reports), and he should lead the popular vote when all is said and done.
It is difficult to see where Kerry goes from here. Before he can even think about contesting the election, he'll need to run the table and pick up Nevada, New Mexico, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Tall order.
I've made no secret of my fondness for Kerry. He served our country well in Vietnam and served the Democratic party pretty well this winter when he rescued them from Howard Dean. Had he run a better campaign, he might well have won this race.
But his toughest task comes now. If he loses, it will be devastating. Yet he must reach down and find the courage to concede honorably, to reach out to Republicans, and to help continue orienting his party toward the American mainstream and away from the dark maw of Moore-ism. Al Gore failed this test, and his record of admirable service will forever be marred because of it.
I think John Kerry can do better. And I hope he does.
3 hours ago
1 comment:
Whence the fondness for Kerry? He is a hollow opportunist with a history of voting against the best interests of the United States; not to mention the likelihood that he is not a hero of Vietnam as he claims and may have been less than honorably discharged (with a honorable discharge provided by Carter).
He professes concern for the poor, the uninsured, the environment while enjoying the sumptious lifestyle his wife makes possible.
How come no one ever asked him why they don't donate Teresa's obscene (and unearned) wealth to create clinics and hospitals to treat the uninsured? Or why they maintain five palaces, a private jet, yacht, and numerous vehicles. Wouldn't a simpler lifestyle reflect a concern for the environment and conservation?
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