Why am I taking one more stab at getting Power Line to link my L.A. Times Year in Review? It's all about Lynne Cheney.
See, I come to the defense of Dick Cheney a couple of times in the posts, and I'd like him to know about it. I figure that, if you guys link my review, Lynne Cheney might read it--and maybe she'll tell her husband about it. It's a longshot, but it's worth a try.
So, even though the review was linked by Instapundit, Lucianne.com, Hugh Hewitt, Captain Ed, and others--I'm still not satisfied. I gotta have Lynne Cheney see it! And for that, it's Power Line or bust. The links are Part One (coverage of the election, including the Times's misrepresentation of one of Dick Cheney's remarks), and Part Two (other coverage--including the duck-hunting trip with Dick Cheney and Justice Scalia).
Either way, I promise this is the last e-mail I'll send you asking for a link for these pieces. . . .
11 hours ago
Even though Patterico runs a decent operation at his own site and at Oh, That Liberal Media, I've noticed he's a bit too earnest for his own good. For example, he cross-posts every single post he writes for OTLM to his own site. And he seems to spend all waking hours composing letters to the LAT which (he knows) will never see the light of day. But hey, more power to him.
Ew. Even Jonah Goldberg isn't quite THAT obvious about his self-promotion. Love me, love me, love me! Notice me, notice me, notice me!
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