Friday, October 21, 2005

Tales From the Champagne Room

The New York Daily News is reporting on a credit card dispute between one Robert McCormick, CEO of Savvis Communications (pictured left), and American Express. AMEX is suing McCormick for refusing to pay a $241,000 bill from Scores, New York's famous gentlemen's club.

McCormick, married with three daughters, doesn't deny having gone to Scores on the night in question. He does, however, dispute the grand total. He says at most he spent $20,000.

Still, that's an awful lot of lap dances.

Now I know what some of our readers are thinking: Don't forget to take into account the bottles of champagne, the tips to dancers and bouncers, the cost of reserving the champagne room all to yourself, more tips to make the bouncers turn a blind eye, bonuses for the lap dancers to offer those Oriental massages, and on and on...

Or, um, is that just me?

(Just kidding, honey!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Call me naive, but the Manhattan phone book is full of escort services that charge between 200 and 500 dollars and provide considerably more gratification than a lap dance.