Public Service Announcement: Have you ever tried calling your local phone or cable company and found yourself screaming at some VoiceXML program? Or, in my case, aggravated beyond words because of an airline's incompetence (that would be United Airlines' losing my luggage for an entire week). Well, thanks to Galley friend M.R., we may have found a way out. It seems M.R. has stumbled upon this useful link that provides the key to accessing "human customer service" for over a hundred major companies. For example, stuck on the phone with a computer over at Comcast? "Press * at each prompt. Ignore invalid response." United Airlines? "Say 'Agent,' then 'Domestic' or 'International' as appropriate."
This may be the biggest breakthrough since the Allies decoded Enigma.
5 hours ago
The people who put this together deserve the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
I'd put in the same category. It contains information about every seat on every major airline. Shows you which seats have extra legroom, which seats are too close to the bathrooms, which seats have power outlets, etc... It's a lifesaver if you're a frequent traveler. provides you with a username and password to access sites like NYT (yuck!) without having to go through all that signing up crap. Handy.
Edit: Double Post.
GetHuman is good. Have you seen It's very similar, but they take the idea to the next level and call you when operator from selected company waits for you on the line!
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