Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Comic Book Nation: A Contest

I won't put the eye-candy on our site, but click here to see an ad for Victoria Secret's new swimsuit line.

Why is this interesting? A pile of Galley Slaves' merchandise for the reader who can tell me from which obscure superheroine's costume this swimsuit is nearly exactly cribbed.

Update, 12:17 p.m.: Wow. It took less than two hours and we have a winner. Carole Lee Sussman has correctly identified the Victoria's Secret swimsuit as a knock-off of Phantom Lady. Now I just have to come up with some GS merchandise . . .


That Dude said...

I'm gonna go with Ark Angel.

Anonymous said...

It's Vampirella. I am so embarrassed for knowing this.

Talisa Soto played Vampirella in a movie, actually. Apparently, it's Ed Wood awful.

Anonymous said...

It's Marvel comics Moondragon. She's clearly more obscure than Vapirella and the Moondraon's costume was also green.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's all I'm going to say.

So, what's the Galley Slaves merchandise?

: )

C said...

... Would that be DC's Phantom Lady?

Anonymous said...

It's phantom lady:

C said...

*does the slightly uncoordinated victory dance of the fangirl who is not afraid to publicly proclaim dorkhood*

.... oooh, swag.