I never thought I would ever fall in love with Hitler's secretary. Actually, she's not really his secretary. Her real name is Alexandra Maria Lara, and she is currently starring in Downfall, the powerful German film depicting the last days of the Reich. (Review for the Daily Standard to follow.)
Lara is a 26-year-old Romanian actress whose other credits include a movie called Nackt (German for "naked"). In Downfall, she plays Traudl Junge, Hitler's personal secretary who was one of the last to emerge from the bunker after the Führer's suicide. Yes, I just gave away the ending.
In addition, Lara has her own website: www.alexandra-maria-lara.com. Anyone want to start a fan club?
16 hours ago
Mann, ist ja ein hübsches Mädchen. Erinnert mich ein bißchen an Lena Stolze und Franka Potente, aber mit einer klassischeren Schönheit.
And, no, I'm not making any "taking dictation" jokes.
Bună ziuă, doamna Lara!
--Bill Walsh
VM: Nothing in the last 10 years surpasses a "desperado" fighting weight Salma H., before she lost 15-20 lbs. in the attempt to become "serious."
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