Galley Friend B.W. sends along this alarming story about a new Putin-sponsored youth group whose mission is to "get 300,000 people on to the streets to defend Russia" from the threats of "external governance," "orange revolution," and "American intrusion."
Um, isn't this a problem?
B.W. asks, "What's the over-under that they're printing graphic-novel versions of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?" Let's set the Vegas line at 18 months.
11 hours ago
The amusing thing is how this overtly facist organization constantly refers to Putin's opponensts as facists.
What's more amusing is that westerners whos governments advocate fascist genocidal wars for oil and security for Israel think they have any moral authority in calling another nation "fascist".
Looking out for the best interests and health of your people, putting your nation ahead of "God's Chosen People" is the enemy of the objectivist-rationalist-secular-capitalist western society. It is teh hitlersatan.
This is looking more and more like the Hitler Youth if you ask me.
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