In the current issue of Parade, James Brady goes "In Step With" actress/singer/hottie Jennifer Love Hewitt. Some highlights:
Asked to describe her new CBS drama, Ghost Whisperer, Love assures us "It's touching and effective."
Brady mentions her movie flop, The Truth About Love, as having done "very well internationally."
Love, on her shingle, LoveSpell Entertainment: "I like the business side. Now, when I read scripts, it's really fun, and I pay more attention. It gave me a newfound respect for the writers." Does this mean she now respects the writers of I Still Know What You Did Last Summer?
Writes Brady: "Jennifer credits CBS topper Les Moonves for getting her involved with Ghost Whisperer. 'I was at home in jeans with no makeup,' she said, 'and his office called. I've never been treated with such kindness--like an oldtime movie actress, like royalty.'"
Or like an incredibly hot 26-year-old actress wearing "jeans with no makeup." (No mention of a shirt, so let's just assume...)
13 hours ago
VM, JLH is just like any of those cute flavors of the month who floated by in the 90's. Perhaps memorable, but definitely not noteworthy.
Monica Bellucci: Incredibly hot
Salma Hayek early in her career: Incredibly hot
Kim Basinger in LA Confidential: Incredibly hot
A woman who looks like a woman, not a praying mantis.
It just so happens I love praying mantises.
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