So you thought I would let this day go by without mentioning the Miracle at Dallas? As I earlier mentioned, I believe that God has a plan for the Redskins. But He also works in mysterious ways. So what can we divine from Mark Brunell's two touchdowns with less than four minutes left in regulation? Was it the Breath of God that launched that 70-yarder, landing it right in the hands of Santana Moss? Can there actually be life for a QB in his mid-30s? Perhaps Brunell has come to grips with his skills and shortcomings, prayed heavily for guidance and intercession and no interceptions. Like Doubting Thomas, I am still not convinced this man is the one. For think of all the false messiahs we have seen: Brad Johnson (more like a prophet). Jeff George. Tony Banks.
I know what the fans are saying. Ye of little faith. Or happy are those who believe but do not see. Sadly, I turned off my TV at the end of the third quarter, so I truly did not see, and thus, I can barely believe.
1 hour ago
You know what I still haven't forgiven that movie for?
Indiana Jones: The Name of God. Jehovah.
Professor Henry Jones: But in the Latin alphabet, "Jehovah" begins with an "I".
Indiana Jones: J—
So he steps on the J tile and almost falls through. But the reason that "in the Latin alphabet 'Jehovah' begins with an 'I'" is that it didn't distinguish between I and J! A Latin speaker wouldn't have had separate I and J tiles! Nor U and V, for that matter! And, yes, this has been bugging me for sixteen years. I am a very sad person, I know.
But, back on topic: HAIL TO THE REDSKINS! Biggest win in, well, almost sixteen years!
The really dumb part, of course, is that Jehovah is not the name of God in Judaism.
The four Hebrew letters that are printed as the name of God - with h and v as the consonants - are designed to be only a visual concept. They are never pronounced.
When that word is encountered, a spoken name is pronounced, with two entirely different consonant sounds, d and n. The vowels attached to those consonants are the e-o-ah sounds. Hence the ignorant error that produces the nonsense word Jehovah.
For think of all the false messiahs we have seen: Brad Johnson ...
That's a bit harsh. Johnson was a good quarterback, and the Redskins were nuts to dump him in favor of Jeff George.
beware of trashing Jeff George. Throw out his attitude issues, he remains the most talented QB ever. Anyone who ever saw him throw the football would agree that he had the nicest pass of any QB to ever play the game. Even Marino will tell you that George could make throws that he (Marino) could not.
God's plan for the Redskins? Annual ass whoopings from the Eagles.
Amen Dude from Philly...
When Washington plays Dallas I always think of 2 things:
1) Will this game degrade the future performance of either team through injuries or crushed morale?
2) Will this encourage Daniel Snyder to keep up his meddling ways further driving an arch-nemesis into the ground?
I would like both, but I will defnitly take #2.
When I see Mark Brunell, I see dead people. Glad to see he'll be the continued starter
NFC East champ 4 (soon to be 5) years running, defending NFC Champ and soon to be World fookin Champs baybee!
Anonymous (8:34): Throw out his attitude issues, he remains the most talented QB ever. Anyone who ever saw him throw the football would agree that he had the nicest pass of any QB to ever play the game.
Jeff George wasn't even the most talented ever to play in Washington. (And his only record may be "least intelligent quarterback ever to wear an NFL uniform".)
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