It’s a tragedy that countless lives have been lost to date because society has yet to entirely come around regarding life’s intrinsic value. But such is the sweep of history. Generations of African Americans were enslaved, often by the greatest men of their eras like Washington and Jefferson, because the insight that slavery was wrong had not yet pervaded American society. Sadly, these things take time, time measured in decades not weeks.
So our fight continues. Terri Schiavo, rest in peace.
5 hours ago
This is an argument that I simply don't understand.
Slavery is not the same thing as abortion. Slavery is not the same thing as an individual's refusal of treatment.
If life is intrinsically valuable, are you going to force someone who is conscious to continue medical treatment when they don't want it anymore? Life's intrinsically valuable, and if they don't agree, aren't they just immoral? Shouldn't we then force them to continue medical treatment?
If life's value is intrinsic, why do you eat meat? I don't know that you do, but I'm just willing to bet that no one who writes or reads this blog is a vegetarian. Sure, a cow isn't a human, but both are creatures of God, aren't they? (And both are alive.)
Reece writes:
"If life's value is intrinsic, why do you eat meat? Sure, a cow isn't a human, but both are creatures of God, aren't they? (And both are alive.)"
It's quite obvious from that passage, especially the casual comparison between human life and bovine life, that the subject matter here is far too complex for Reece to weigh in on in an intelligent manner.
May I suggest that Reece return to his coloring books or enjoy another viewing of "Gigli" rather than continue to offer such obtuse commentary on the Galley Slaves.
Or better still, perhaps he should instead offer comments at the Daily Kos or Democracy Underground where the maixim "In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king" will serve him well.
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