Speaking of the president, I just saw him this morning at the Second Annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton. It was a record turnout for what hopes to be an annual tradition and equal the other longer-standing prayer breakfast. Bush was very well-received by the 1,600 guests, who gave him an extended standing ovation. ("Thanks for the warm reception," quipped W., "especially for a Methodist.") The president spoke of Catholic American contributions to society and the importance of the "culture of life," which brought even more applause from the audience.
This year's formal presentation was given by Sister Margaret Mary of the Little Sisters of the Poor, a fine group that cares for the elderly.
As for the breakfast itself, which Bush and Cardinal McCarrick didn't stick around for, it consisted of scrambled eggs, sliced red bliss potatoes, and pancakes with maple syrup already on them. There might have been some disappointment concerning the lack of breakfast meats, but the pancakes did just fine. (Yet again, the question is posed: Do pancakes replace potatoes on a breakfast platter or a meat? I argue that, as a starch, pancakes ought to be served in lieu of meat.)
(A single ticket to the breakfast normally costs $50 but I was lucky to get invited thanks to the kindness of Galley friends Alexandra Preate and Michael Tew of Political Capital, LLC.)
3 hours ago
1 comment:
"lack of breakfast meats" – Sounds to me like they were respecting Catholics who do a Friday penance. I missed the event. Had a ticket but the rain and a report due this morning kept me away.
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