Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Is It Wrong to Call Kos Sexy?

Because he's like a blogging James Dean:
I AM a guy with a blog. One that has built a platform that allows lots and lots and lots of people to have their say and organize and advocate for their causes. People want to equate that with "leadership" and assign me "responsibilities".

Well, what happens when i say "fuck that"? Because I'm not being falsely modest when I say I don't want that responsibility nor power and I won't take it. I'm simply not interested.

This site became popular because of my style, because of my voice, because of my refusal to compromise what I believe in order to appease anyone. . . . And I won't stop doing it. As I've said many times before to wails of outrage -- you don't like it, it's a huge blogosphere. Nothing is forcing anyone to read this site. . . .

I will not be the be-all end-all of the progressive blogosphere. I'm not interested. If someone pisses me off or annoys me, I'll say so. And if I hurt some feelings, so be it. I'm not going to pussy-foot my way around the various progressive constituencies for fear of offending. Feel free to disagree with me, but don't try to muzzle me. No one censors me. . . .

You can keep trying and build me up into something bigger and more important. It's a wasted effort, but it's a free country. Me, I'll keep doing what I've been doing for the past three years.

Yeah, baby! That's called Truth to Power! What's Markos rebelling against? Whadya got?

He is like the cock of the walk, no?


Anonymous said...

He is the cock of the walk.

But don't worry, he puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like you, Jonathan. Only when he has his pants on, he makes a monster blog!

You're gonna be wearing gold diapers, baby.

That Dude said...

I feel the same way, if all my readers dont like it well F OFF. You hear me?

crickets chirping

Anonymous said...

To answer your question, Jonathan: Yes, it is wrong. On many, many levels.

In fact, I would suggest that the terms "Kos," "sexy" and "cock of the walk" should never again appear in close juxtaposition on your blog. Not that I'm trying to muzzle you or anything. Hey, nobody censors the Galley Slaves...

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of making a comment for a while. Here's my concern: don't call me the greatest commenter of all time. I won't accept the honor. I don't care how many other commenters ask me, I won't give advice on commenting nor be the leader of a broad commenting movement. If other commenters don't like my comments, they can fuck off. I comment. That's what I do. I'm never going to stop; not for you, not for anybody!

My secret word is: nonhoxm!

WatchFires said...

Absent the "...of the walk" part...

Anonymous said...

"Pleeease don't throw me in that briar patch. No, you idiot, the other one, the one that says 'power and influence.'

Yeah baby, don't even try to throw me in that one."